That was the longest car ride ever!!!!!!!
But it was soo soo much fun!!!!
-Me and Mom were picked up and then we headed to Uncle Rogers house and then Uncle Ronnies.
-Chatting before we leave, and usin the facilities. Then it started to get dark
and everybody tried to get comfortable.
- We made it to Oregon and my cousins Missy and Jimmy flew in and so we went to their hotel and freshened up and then headed out to Aunt Ginas.
- We made it to her house in Aumsville :) whooohoooo!!!!!
-we had finally made it!!!! It was so exciting and so good to seee them all again!! We walked in and sat down and it was as if we had never been apart. We talked and caught up and Aunt Gina was telling us how much she loved us and that family is soo important. And she is right. Family is what makes you rich. We love you soo much too Aunt Gina!
-My cousin Leanne and her youngest daughter Melissa. I had never met them before so it was very nice getting to know them. Very sweet and very nice. So glad I got the chance to meet ya'll!!
- Then Uncle Roger, Uncle Ronnie and I walked down to our cousins house. Dot and Ladale. I had heard about them but never met them. It was nice to meet them. S he had some of the neatest things in her house and n her front yard.
-Uncle Roger and Dot
Me and Dot- Ronnie ,Ladale ,Dot ,Roger
- Missy next to the daffodils in Aunt Ginas backyard. Every body had daffodils and tulips growing in their yards, and their weeds were purples and yellows the prettiest weeds i have ever seen!!! Aunt Gina had strawberry bushes and daffodils, tulips, camillas, and in her front yard she had a holly tree!!! AAnd many other beautiful flowers!!
-My little cousins Jon and Tim
- This is a picture of my Great Grandpa on my Moms side. That was pretty awesome to see. So proud to have Indian blood running through my viens. :)
-And this is my Great Aunt Thelma, My Grandpas sister-Uncle John, Uncle Jonny, Ladale,Dot, And Aunt Bobbie-Ruth talking
- Sheri Debbie and Trelanie singing
- Then we went to eat at Izzys for lunch.
-see no evil hear no eviland speak no evil
- Buddy and Aunt Carolyn singing "Looking for a city" they kept going higher and higher and they had to keep standing straighter and straighter hahaha good times :)
-This was friday night. We started singing and didnt finish till late that night. -My cousin Pam sang too. Everybody got a turn to sing it was funny cuz we really didnt give them a choice lol :) And on the chorus we would all help them it out. It was so much fun!!!!
- My family talking about Gods Mercy and Grace. It was a very moving talk we had. I love to hear my family talk about how God is soo good and his how his mercy endureth forever and ever!!And how his grace is sufficient for everything!-Saturday we got up early and hit some yardsales. We came across a really good yard sale that had all this vintage stuff. Like old minolta cameras and casesaand records and jackets and a whole bunch of odds and ends. After we finished shopping we stood around and admired the gorgeous scenery and took some pics of the family.
-Then as we were headed to the sheds my Aunts and Uncles grew up in while they were young and would pick carrots and strawberries and beans, we passed an antique/snack store and it was pretty neato!!
-This was were my Grandma, Grandpa, Aunts Bobbie-ruth,Faye, Gina,Sherrie, Carolyn,and my Uncles Jackie, Ronnie and my Uncle Roger was a baby. They would come here and pick these crops and the rooms were very small. I dont know how they did it but sometimes you have to do what you have to do. I was simply amazed. My Aunt Bobbie-Ruth said they had good times then. Like hay rides and other things they would find to do like that.
-This was inside the sheds. The walls were torn down but you can see were the beams start and end and those were where the walls used to stand.
- This was the door that lead to the room my Family stayed in. My Uncles wanted a picture next to it.
-Every body was getting ready for the singing we were having at a hall my Uncle Jonny reserved for us.We were all pretty excited :)
- Aunt Sandy and my cousin Shirley came too and little Lenna.
- We prayed over our food and then ate and then the singing began. I love it when my fmaily sings its soo wonderful and just sends goose pimples up and down my arms.
-These are my cousins Tony Pam and Randy.
- My Aunt Sherrie and my Great cousin Maureen-Shirley and Aunt Sandy
- little Lenna and Me
-More singing!!!! I just LOVED IT!!!!!! We had a blast!!!!
- Cousins Doug and Gail
Back row, left-Dot, Gina,Sherrie, Carolyn, Bobbie-Ruth, and backaround to the front right-Sandy Momma, and Maureen
- All the paparazzi!!!!
- Tony and Uncle Roger
-Aunts Bobbie-Ruth,Gina and Sherrie and my cousin Jessica
-My little cousin Ben tackled my cousin Debbie to the floor it was so funny!!!
- Jon as a snailMe and Timmy
-The family sitting around in the backyard It was a beautiful day
- Timmy-David, I would have more pics of little David but he didnt like the camera as much as Timmy and Jon did and besides who wants to take pictures when you could be playing right ;)
-Mom and her bag of plant bulbs Uncle Jonny said she could dig up.
-Gail and Aunt Sherrie both got some too:)
-I think David got into trouble because he was pouting but it was soo cute -And I wanted to get a pic o David looking at me thru the grass but he wouldnt look up so I told Timmy to lay in the grass and look at me and he was glad to do it. I think he liked taking pictures :)
-Everybody saying their last goodbyes and I love you's
-It was so hard to leave because we were having such a good time but work and families were calling so we had tear ourselves away and get back into the cars and head home. It was one of the best trips I have ever taken. Yea the ride was long and sleep was very little but the time shred with my famiy and the talkes we had and just every minute was worth it. We were treated sooo warmly and my Aunt and Uncle and cousins put so much work and effort and money into everything I want to thank them for making this one of the best trips ever. Yea we came for a couple different reasons but I believe God is working and only He knows what tomorrow holds. If you read this my dear family members every one of you I want you to know that because of you I love this family even more. No we may not have it all together but TOGETHER we have it ALL!!!!
- I am going to post pictures of the scenery in my next blog so every one can see how beautiful and green Oregon is.
Ashley, This was so fun to look at and read. You are quite the gifted one. I'm sure you here this often. I enjoyed reading your blog and looking at all the great pics of my family. I've never seen some of the family in these pics and some of them I haven't seen in many years. It was refreshing to get to see them. I'm thankful for my heritage and proud to be choctaw also. I'm so sad I did not get to be there with you all seeing the beauty of Oregon and our family. At least I got to feel a part after seeing your blog. What fun. I pray that you will have great blessings for taking the time to put this together for us to enjoy. Ashley, your spirit is precious. I love what you stand for. Keep up the good work. YOU ARE INCREDIBLE!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAAAwwwww your sooo sweet!!!! lol im very blessed to have a family like I have. Love you all and maybe i'll get to see ya'll in july for Sissys wedding!!!!