Saturday, June 16, 2012

mans best friend.......

They say mans best friend is dog well, sometimes we think that but then the truth 
is we have a friend who is closer and more devoted than k-9. He has stuck by our 
side when all our strength was gone and he was our strength. He was there when 
we couldnt see through the storm but we could feel his hand in ours.
He was there to calm the storm but He knew we could make it so he 
walked through with us. He watches over us both and night, He gives his angels charge
over us and puts a hedge of protection about us and sometimes covers us in the shadow of his wings. 
He is always with us even though sometimes we hide and walk away. His spirit hounds us and is jealous of us. He loves being our first love and nothing less. He gave up everything so we could 
know him better and when we cry he gathers our tears and saves them. He hears our every whisper 
and is there to help us get back up and dust our selves off and keep on the journey.
He loves for us to tell him every detail about our struggles and our fights
and the joys and thank Him for the good times too. 
The Bible says He is closer than a brother.
Hes the Lord God Almighty.

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