Tuesday, November 20, 2012

My cars been HIT!!!

My Mom woke me up this morning saying Ashley your cars been HIT!!!! We ran outside and almost there it hit ME!!! They got my car they tped it!!!Sure did my besties got my car while I slept through the peaceful night. And too my Mom forgot to lock my doors last night and they got the inside too!!!
AAWWWW what are friends for.......to keep you on your toes!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!! they better watch out!!!!!!!!!      :)

1 comment:

  1. That was really surprising! If they saw how you reacted on it, they must have laughed really hard. Also, I like your mom’s humor when she told you that your car had been hit, which got you to go out quickly and look at your car.

    >Stelle Courney
