Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sneak peek II

Sneak Peek of my latest photo shoot. Cant wait to release the whole collection. :)


  1. One day when I grow up and have a multi million dollar company that does artistic things such as web design and photography and graphic design and photography and ... Photography.. You are going to be my number one recommendation for a photographer. I've said it since day one and I'll say it again.

    I love your photography. Sam Hassas better watch out.

  2. hahahahaha awww thank you! :) its fun and I like it :)

  3. Yea I agree. I am more of a fan of scenery photography versus people photography. I leave the weddings and photo shoots and candid shots to you. Lol

  4. lol hahaha hey they need pictures of everything eh!!

  5. Indeed they do.

    Oh vanity vanity lol ;)

  6. lol well Gods beautiful green earth is beautiful and the scenery he has designed and the creatures he has made are very much indeed amazing. :) birds flowers sunsets and sunrises. capturing those images and those moments in time and pictures of family and friends those are priceless to me.
